Dear Colleagues,
I am happy to announce that Justin Crowe, professor of political science and chair of leadership studies, has agreed to serve as director of the college’s tutorial program as of July 1, 2022. A member of the faculty since 2009, Justin teaches and publishes on the role of the Constitution and the Supreme Court in American political development, on American political thought and culture, and American political institutions. He regularly teaches tutorials, including one on American Political Events, and one on American Political Thought.
As director, Justin will work to promote tutorial pedagogy across the curriculum by encouraging the development of new tutorial courses and hosting faculty discussions about effective tutorial teaching. Tutorials continue to be rated by students and faculty as a highly rewarding and effective course format, and the tutorial director aims to maintain a roster of 60-70 tutorial courses each year.
More information about the tutorial program and tutorial development stipends is available here and here.
In addition to thanking Justin for taking on this important role, I also want to thank Bojana Mladenovic, professor of philosophy, for her great work as tutorial director since 2015.
All best wishes,