Writings and Remarks

Mike Reed Appointed to Senior Position at Dickinson

To the Williams Community, I write with the bittersweet news that Mike Reed ’75, vice president for strategic planning and institutional diversity, will be leaving us this August to become Vice President for Institutional Initiatives at Dickinson College. He’ll be working closely there with Dickinson President Nancy Roseman, known to… Continue reading »

Statement Regarding Sexual Assault

Sexual assault affects the lives of many students—at Williams and nationally. Its effects are both immediate and enduring, and we must do all that we can to prevent its occurrence and to respond fully when it does occur. We have strengthened our policies and practices in this area through extensive… Continue reading »

Sports at Williams

I hope and expect that we’ll continue to win a lot of contests, and even perhaps more Directors’ Cups. The real measure of our athletics program’s success, though will always be how well we fulfill our deeper ideals. Continue reading »

Save the Dates

Convocation will take on special significance as we award Bicentennial Medals to alumni whose achievements have been in fields related to the library and the associated Book Unbound initiative. Continue reading »

State Testimony on Student Loans and Debt

Remarks Submitted to the Joint Committee on Higher Education’s Subcommittee on Student Loans and Debt for Its Hearing of November 18, 2013 Thank you, Senator Donoghue, Representative Paul, and the members of the subcommittee, for this opportunity to share data and perspectives on the issues that are before you. They… Continue reading »