Dear Williams faculty, students and staff,
Over the last several weeks I’ve received requests from a number of you for more time to respond to the draft working group reports. This is a bad news-good news result: it requires slowing down the process slightly, but I’m pleased that people are so engaged as to want additional time for input.
In that spirit, I’m re-opening the comment period and will extend it through the end of the day on Friday, March 27—the end of the first week of spring break—so that everyone can have more time to read and submit comments.
As in the past, please share your ideas through the Strategic Planning portal, which has been re-opened for that purpose.
My schedule for releasing a draft Strategic Plan will stay the same, with the draft to be published for comment on April 27. We’ll still have to submit the plan to the board for their final approval at their June 5 meeting, as promised, so the comment period for the draft plan won’t change. Given that it will be one document, not twelve, I’m optimistic that this will still allow enough time.
I’ve been enjoying the chance to start thinking about the draft plan, and look forward to sharing a version with you in late April.