
The Board of Trustees has several standing committees whose leadership and membership is designated annually by the president and board chair. In addition to these standing committees, the board may from time to time convene ad hoc committees.

Executive Committee
Chair:  Elizabeth A. Andersen ’87

With a few important exceptions (such as amending the college laws and removing the president or any trustee), the Executive Committee has the authority of the board in the intervals between board meetings. Any action the Executive Committee takes is reported at the next board meeting. The Executive Committee identifies and recommends to the board candidates to be considered for election as trustees. The Executive Committee makes recommendations on the president’s compensation and supervises the process for the nomination and selection of a president. The Executive Committee oversees the orientation of new trustees and reviews and recommends improvements relating to the performance of the board.

Committee on Nominations, Governance and Degrees
Chair: Leila H. Jere ’91 

The Committee on Nominations, Governance and Degrees supports the Executive Committee in assessing the composition and functions of the board (including its committee structure), in recommending candidates for nomination and election as members of the board, and in making recommendations to enhance the board’s effectiveness. The committee receives and considers all nominations for candidates for degrees and recommends to the trustees candidates it determines to have satisfied the requirements for attainment of degrees. It also reviews, considers, and nominates to the trustees candidates for honorary degrees.

Evaluation and Compensation Committee
Chair: Elizabeth A. Andersen ’87

The Evaluation and Compensation Committee supports the Executive Committee in providing an annual performance evaluation of the president and a recommendation for presidential compensation.

Investment Committee
Chair:  Nathan K. Sleeper ’95

The Investment Committee shall periodically review and make recommendations to the trustees with respect to the general policies governing the investment of the funds of the college. In consultation with the president, the Investment Committee at all times shall have supervision over the investment and reinvestment of the funds of the college and shall have the authority to approve or to disapprove investments, and the retention of investment managers and investment consultants, recommended to it by the chief investment officer. The Investment Committee from time to time shall submit to the trustees such matters of general financial policy as the Investment Committee may desire to have considered. The Investment Committee is authorized to appoint subcommittees, which will serve in an advisory capacity to the Investment Committee and the chief investment officer. The chief investment officer (or such other officer as the trustees may designate for such purpose from time to time) shall have responsibility for management of the college’s investments, including the selection of investments, investment managers and consultants, subject to the approval of the Investment Committee pursuant to such policies and procedures as the Investment Committee may establish from time to time.

Committee on Faculty and Instruction
Chair: Gregory H. Woods ’91 

The Committee on Faculty and Instruction shall periodically review and make recommendations to the trustees on three general areas: first, all matters relating to the faculty of the college; second, all matters relating to the instruction and academic advising of students; and third, the arrangement of the curriculum. The committee may also consider and report to the trustees upon all nominations by the president of faculty appointments and promotions, and may authorize the president to make temporary appointments until the next meeting of the trustees.

Campus Planning and Construction Committee
Chair: William C. Foote ’73 

The Campus Planning and Construction Committee shall periodically review and make recommendations to the trustees with respect to general policies governing the grounds, buildings, roads and walks of the college, including all questions of construction, maintenance and repair connected therewith, as well as capital projects, designs for projects and environmental sustainability and policies related thereto.

Budget and Finance Committee
Chair:  Noriko Honda Chen ’89

The Budget and Finance Committee shall periodically review and make recommendations to the trustees with respect to general policies governing budgets and financial planning, shall present an annual budget for the following year ordinarily at the winter meeting of the trustees, shall make recommendations regarding the annual distribution from the endowment and the funding of capital projects, and shall periodically review and report to the trustees on changes to and variances from approved budgets. The committee shall make recommendations to the trustees as to tuition and other charges. The committee shall have responsibility for recommending to the trustees debt financings, including bond offerings, by the college.

Strategic Fundraising and Communications Committee
Co-Chairs: Valerie A. DiFebo ’84 and Matthew C. Harris ’94

The Strategic Fundraising and Communications Committee shall review and make recommendations to the trustees with respect to fundraising initiatives, strategies, and goals. The committee works closely with the college’s development team to ensure alignment of fundraising goals with institutional priorities and the college’s budgeting and financial planning processes. The committee also receives updates from the communications office and provides feedback on key communications initiatives. From time to time the committee may review and make recommendations to the trustees with respect to the college’s public affairs, government relations and community relations programs and activities.

Committee on Student Experience
Chair: Gretchen E. Howard ’95

The Student Experience Committee has as its focus the full spectrum of student life beyond the classroom. This includes not only aspects of student life, such as residential life and extra- and co-curricular activities and programs, but also those policies and practices that shape the student body, including diversity and inclusion, admission, financial aid, and career exploration.

Audit Committee
Chair:  Jeffrey S. Harleston ’82 

The Audit Committee’s principal responsibility is the oversight of the independent audit of the college’s financial statements and of the preparation of required tax and other state and federal regulatory filings. The committee also reviews and evaluates the adequacy of the college’s internal controls and its policies and practices for ensuring compliance with applicable laws and regulations, including the policy on conflicts of interest for trustees and officers. Finally, the committee receives regular updates on legal issues, enterprise risk management, and insurance and provides feedback to the college on areas of interest or concern.